Ātherwellen is a collection of 400 unique generative art pieces Anton Bunz powered by pure code. Each piece is uniquely created through algorithmic processes.

Ātherwellen combining abstract animations with sound elements. Drawing from his German roots and New York influences, Bunz transforms code into ethereal visual experiences that explore the intersection of mathematics and art.

Named after the mysterious aether - the invisible medium scientists once believed carried light through space.

400 unique pieces combining animation and sound, each with its own rarity level.

Total Edition: 400 unique pieces of generative art

Common (Black): 250 pieces (62.5%)

Uncommon (White): 100 pieces (25%)

Rare (Orange): 40 pieces (10%)

Legendary (Blue): 10 pieces (2.5%)


Official Trailer. For more information, visit Anton Bunz on X.

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